A place to provide feedback and discuss the new weekly budgeting templates on Vertex42.com.
Weekly and Bi-Weekly Budgeting Solutions

Need to create a project schedule? Try our Gantt Chart Template!
Spreadsheets are great tools for budgeting, but some budget concepts may need a bit more explanation before you can make full use of Excel and the various budget templates we have created. Check out our article How to Make a Budget as well as the list of blog articles below. See our other money management categories as well.
If you are just getting started creating a budget, below is a list of a few of our templates listed in order from most basic to most powerful.
A place to provide feedback and discuss the new weekly budgeting templates on Vertex42.com.
Have you made your new year’s financial resolutions? Many people pledge to do better with their finances around this time of year, but they just don’t know where to start. By guest author, Philip Taylor.
So you’re planning the biggest day of your life. This is an important occasion and naturally you want it to be special. But, how do you plan a wedding that isn’t going to start you out financially ruined? You may [...]