1 Download the Meeting Flyer (2 Per Page)

Click once on the green button to download the file, then save to your computer or device.

⤓ Download

Filename: meeting-flyer-2up.docx

Return to the Meeting Flyer (2 Per Page) page to learn more about this template.

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"I just got a simple free Meeting Flyer (2 Per Page) for Word from @Vertex42"

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3 Try More Templates

Create, customize, and print an event flyer for your church, school, business, or organization.
Create a budget for a camp, reunion, seminar, party, or other event. Record expenses and sources of income.
Create a schedule of events with mini calendars that highlight event dates.
This planning calendar can be used to print a 2-page, 12-month calendar with space below each day to write brief notes.

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